梁燕城: 中华文化共同体与全球伦理

梁燕城: 中华文化共同体与全球伦理

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  • 发布时间:2012-11-30 22:52
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梁燕城: 中华文化共同体与全球伦理


  • 分类:炎黄论坛
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  • 发布时间:2012-11-30 22:52
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Thomas In-sing LEUNG

He is a renowned philosopher, writer, current affairs critics and a lay Christian minister.

He graduates from the Chinese University of Hong Kong and eams his Ph. D. at University of Hawaii, USA.
He has a quest for truth since his teen years and at the end finds the truth in the Christian God. He travels around the world, preaching every Chinese community, the words of God. He helped in poverty relief project in the third world countries and assisted in the drug rehabilitation program in Hong Kong. Currently he is working on enhancing education of rural regions in China.

He had been senior lecturer of the HK Baptist College (now known as HK Baptist University) and honorary visiting Scholar of Regent College,UBC.

He is the President and founder of Culture Regeneration Research Society since its establishment in 1993. He is also the Editor-in-Chief of the quarterly joumal, "Cultural China". He has been Adjunct Professor of Simon Frazer University and several renowned universities in big cities of China. He is the columnist of both the Economic Joumal in HK and Ming Pao in Canada west and he is also news commentator of the Chinese radio stations in four major cities in North America.
He was invited as the biographiee in the International Who's Who ofIntellectual (The Twelfth Edition, England), and was also elected as a member in the Five Hundred Leaders ofInfluences (England). He is honored as one of the century's outstanding scholars when the Dictionary ofInternational Biography issued him a Decree of Merit in 1999.

He starts writing since 1975 and has produced some 25 books, more than 100 papers, over 4,000 articles and 100 gospel tapes, circulating among the Chinese communities in every part of the world.

Chinese Cultural Community and Global Ethics

The word "Community" refers to a closely-related group which interacts in life and shares some common values, thus forming social coherence and producing a sense ofidentity. Cultural community shall mean that when a lot of different small groups are combined into one large group, a common value for different groups is established based on cultures. China has 55 ethnic minorities with a population of over 60 million and different systems in Four Regions of Cross-Strait which involve over 30 million people, there are common interests and common culture which can be combined into a Chinese culture community. This cultural community is not only a Chinese culture with Han ethnic group as the center, but also a cultural China, including the cultures of all ethnic minorities and foreign religions,the value consensus for all ethnic groups and all religions is established ethically on the basis of "affection of the same body", and an attitude of respect, care, appreciation, listening and understanding toward diversified cultures and religions is adopted on the basis of the aesthetic principle of "generous integration". In practice, the "Office for
National Cultural Harmony" shall be established to handle the confiicts between ethnic groups or religions, to develop "Chinese rainbow culture", and the differences are bridged through pluralistic integration of culture.

Part two of this paper discusses the development and difficulties of globalization, and explores the possibility of human cultural community from the viewpoint of altemative globalization, and builds up a "rainbow civilization" of humanity. Based on this, cultural community integrates the ethical values of different levels of Chinese and Westem cultures, and establishes the basic principles and the realm oflife of global ethics.



文化更新研究中心院长、 《文化中国》学术季刊主编、2012年十二届全国政协委员海外代表、西藏文化保护与发展协会理事、加拿大西三一大学客座教授、多所高等学府教授或指导教授、曾为四川大学985工程宗教与社会研究新基地访问讲席教授、曾多年为香港信报和温哥华明报及星岛专栏作家、美加三大城市中文电台时事评论员。其学术成就和社会贡献被载入《世界名人录》,成为1996年《世界最有影响的五百位领袖》及1999年《世纪二千位学者>之一。

在中港台出版《中国哲学重构》、《寻访东西哲学境界》、《哲学家的武林大会》、《道与魔》、《哲学与符号世界》、 《文化中国蓄势待发》、 《世纪之变的反思》、 《跨世纪的反思》、 《超越后现代的中国思维》两册及《两约探秘》等著作三十一种,曾发表学术论文七十多篇。






