方铭: 不窋奔戎狄与德治作为周文化核心价值的形成

方铭: 不窋奔戎狄与德治作为周文化核心价值的形成

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  • 发布时间:2012-11-30 22:27
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方铭: 不窋奔戎狄与德治作为周文化核心价值的形成


  • 分类:炎黄论坛
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  • 发布时间:2012-11-30 22:27
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Fang Ming

Fang Ming, male, Professor, Litt.D., was bom in December 1964 in Huan(环)County of Gansu Province, whose family registered in QingYang County of Gansu Province. Since 1980, he was successively leaming at Lanzhou University, Wuhan University and Peking University. He has taught in China University of Political Science and Law, and now is the professor of Beijing Language and Culture University, the director of Chinese Culture Studies Institute, the Ph.D.advisor of Chinese ancient literary. Professor Fang is also the deputy chairman of China QuYuan(屈原) Institute and the chief editor of China study of ChuCi(《中国楚辞学》).Professor Fang has mainly been working on the research of the literary and literature during Pre-Qin, Han, Wei and Jin dynasties, his main works are The History of Warring States Literature(《战国文学史》),Research On The History of Warring States Literatur(《战国文学史论》),Expect and Fall: Mental History of Qin-llan Scholars(《期待与坠落:秦汉文人心态史》),Classic and Tradition: Research On The Poem and Fu during Pre-Qin and Han Dynasties(《经典与传统:先秦两汉诗赋考论》),Record of Official Supervision and Impeachment during Qin and Han Dynasty(《秦汉吏治监察举劾知见录》),Ren Tian Yan Mu (paraphrase))《人天眼目(释译)》),etc. Professor Fang is also the chief editor of The Grand Sight of Confucianism Culture(《儒学文化大观》),Confucianism and Culture Construction in 21'th Century(《儒学与二十一世纪文化建设》),Three Biographies of "Spring and Autumn" and The Culture of Confucian Classics 0《春秋三传与经学文化》),Selected Readings of Poem and Li Sao(((诗骚分类选讲》)and so on.

Buku's fled to Rong Di and the formulation of "Rule of virture" as core values

of Zhou civilization

The rise ofZhou ethnicity can be traced back to the later period of Five Emperors. The time when Buku, son of Houji, led to Rong Di should be around the usurpation of Xia-hou Qi. Since there is no detailed pedigree of pre-Zhou, some cholars agree that there was more than one person who hold the post of "Houji". By careful analysis of "During aotang, Yu, Xia, he was virtuous", it should mean the transition period of the three leaders---Tang Yao, Yu Shun, and Xia Yu , may not including Xia dynasty. Therefore the time of Buku's escape should be around the usurpation of Xia-hou Qi.

Houji, the ancestor of Zhou, started farming civilization, and Buku brought it to Rong Di (nowadays Qingyang of Gansu province). The farming civilization there was independent of the TangYu culture, and developed into pre-Zhou civilization gradually. Along with the King Wu's conquest ofYin, Shang Dynasty perished, and pre-Zhou civilization developed into Zhou civilization, which became the most important and infiuential civilization in Chinese ancient history. Zhou cultural tradition obviously inherited the pre-Zhou's, and tried to achieve the goal of "serving the people wholehearledly" under the system of "world for home", which was evolved into its culture system with the core of "rule of virtue". The pre-Zhou civilization and the Zhou civilization have a good connection with the core of modem civilization, showing universal value of human being. Under the guidance of the Zhou civilization, its culture system, social system, and economic system spotlight the importance of human rights, social justice, and social harmony, from which we can still learn a lot today.



1964年12月出生于甘肃环县,甘肃省庆阳县人,1980年起,先后在兰州大学、武汉大学、北京大学学习,文学博士,曾在中国政法大学任教,现任北京语言大学教授,中华文化研究所所所长,中国古代文学专业博士生导师,中国屈原学会代会长, 《中国楚辞学》主编。主要从事先秦两汉魏晋六朝文学与文献研究,主要著作有《战国文学史》、《战国文学史论>、《期待与坠落:秦汉文人心态史》、《经典与传统:先秦两汉诗赋考论》、 《秦汉吏治监察举劾知见录》、 《人天眼目(释译)》等,主编有《儒学文化大观>、《儒学与二十一世纪文化建设》、 《春秋三传与经学文化》、 《诗骚分类选讲》等。






