王镛: 东西方艺术交流促进人类文明的发展

王镛: 东西方艺术交流促进人类文明的发展

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  • 发布时间:2012-11-30 22:36
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王镛: 东西方艺术交流促进人类文明的发展

【概要描述】北京大学校长蔡元培先生曾经说过: “艺术是惟一的世界性语言。”这种世界性语言的对话,即东西方艺术的交流,可以超越时代、地域、民族、宗教等藩篱,促进人类文明的发展。

  • 分类:炎黄论坛
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  • 发布时间:2012-11-30 22:36
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Wang Yong

Wang Yong, he is bom in Beijing, 1945. He graduated from the Department of Oriental Language and Literature, Peking University in 1967, then got his master degree from the South Asian Institute, Peking University in 1981. He worked in the Institute of Fine Arts, China National Academy of Arts, 1983-2005. His main research area included the History oflndian Art and the History ofArt Exchange between China and Abroad. He is a senior research fellow and an advisor for Ph.D. students of the China National Academy ofArts, a visiting professor of the Central Academy of Fine Arts. His major books are "The Art of India", "Indian Miniatures", "Transplantation and Variation: Art Exchange between the East and the West", "The History ofArt Exchange between China and Abroad"etc.

The Exchange of Eastern and Western Art Promotes the Development of

Mankind's Civilization

“Art is the only Esperanto.” Mr. Cai Yuanpei, the president of Peking University, has said. This dialogue of the Esperanto, or the exchange of Eastem and Westem art, can surmount barriers such as times, regions, nations and religions, promote the development of mankind's civilization.

In the ancient times, Gandharan art is a typical case. Greco-Roman art and Indian Buddhist art originally belong to two different cultures, they have the differences in times, regions, nations and religions, but the marriage of the two different cultures produced the Gandhara Buddha image, a new civilization's achievement, at Gandhara area.

The Gandhara Buddha image used a Greco-Roman Apollo type as the model, and had some signs for the Buddha's superhuman perfection. This Buddha image spread to various countries in Asia, and promoted the development of Buddhist culture.

In the modern times, the Japanese Ukiyo-e prints exerting infiuence upon the Impressionism and Post- Impressionism is also a typical case. These Japanese prints began arriving in European ports in the 1850s and greatly infiuenced the Impressionist artists. Vincent van Gogh, one of the Post- Impressionist artists, his painting under the combined influence ofImpressionism and Japanese prints has been appreciated deeply by the different peoples in the East and West.

The Western painting exerting influence upon the Chinese painting is still a typical case. The Westem painting spread into China as the Christian accompaniment, but in the course of the spread, it has separated itself from religious limitations, and has been accepted by Chinese as a fresh painting skill. In the early part of the 20th century, many Chinese painters went abroad to learn from the Western painting. The contemporary Chinese painting inherited the tradition of the ancient times of China, and absorbed the influence of the Western painting. The Westem painting

enriched the vocabulary of the Chinese painting.





北京大学校长蔡元培先生曾经说过: “艺术是惟一的世界性语言。”这种世界性语言的对话,即东西方艺术的交流,可以超越时代、地域、民族、宗教等藩篱,促进人类文明的发展。






